Wednesday, March 12, 2014

March 12, 2014 2:14 p.m.

Oh, woman. You are so stupid.

My head was not "lodged"in the kleenex box. It was deliberately and strategically placed in the box so as to increase the width of my head. As you undoubtedly noticed, this resulted in a dramatic improvement in my KnockOver abilities. By simply scampering quickly in reverse, I was able to KnockOver several bottles of lotion, a cup of cranberry juice, the vaporizer, all the remote controls, and my personal favorite: that incredibly irritating squirt bottle.

You then attempted to convince me (rather emphatically, I might add) that I had "knocked over every single thing in this house!!" Though I appreciate your hollow attempt at praise, I think we both know this is inaccurate. There are many, many items I have yet to KnockOver. From now on, I will be concentrating on the coffee maker. It mocks me with its constant hissing.

Please replace the kleenex boxes so that I may continue using them. Otherwise, I shall be forced to attempt placing my head in the coffee jug.
