Saturday, February 8, 2014

February 8, 2014 3:03 a.m.

Dear Woman Who Feeds Me:

Please tell Strange Man to stop trying to play The Water Bottle Game with me. When I was a Tinker-Toddler, I enjoyed trying to catch the water sprays in my mouth. But I am a Tinker-Teen now, and it is no longer cool.

To make things worse, Strange Man always wants to play Water Bottle when I am in the middle of something important, like traipsing across the kitchen counter, eating the silk flowers, or reminding the other kitties of my importance with an unprovoked smack on the nose. I have tried running away when Strange Man sprays me, but he does not seem to understand that I no longer wish to play the game.

Between you and me, I am beginning to think he is incapable of learning.

Also, please stop picking me up and kissing me in front of the other kitties. It's embarrassing. And just because I purr when you do it doesn't mean I don't think it's lame. Because I totally do.


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