Wednesday, May 28, 2014

May 28, 2014 1:37 p.m.

Dear Woman Who Feeds Me:

I cannot believe you are seriously complaining about me walking on top of the printer at night.  You have been kvetching about that stupid printer being broken since my first day of confinement in this wretched place.  I am doing my best to try to fix it so you will SHUT UP!!

I have checked every inch of it.  I have jumped up and down on top of it.  It makes exactly the irritating sound that it should, so that part is working.  I have stretched my paw into the paper feeding tray and removed sheet after sheet of blank paper.  So that part is fine.  And I have personally tested each and every cord going into or out of the printer.  They all taste like cords to me.  I am stumped.

However, I will continue to investigate each night, in the hopes of uncovering something I may have missed.  If you don't like it, go sleep somewhere else.

And speaking of annoying sounds ... please tell the Penny-Cat to stop her constant howling at the back door!  You have never once let her go outside.  I don't understand why she thinks howling is going to change that.

I'm off to scratch at the basement door, now.  Maybe you will finally let me down there today.


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