Monday, July 21, 2014

July 21, 2014; 4:48 a.m.

Dear Tink -

If you devour one more internet cable, power cord, phone cord, television cord or cord of any kind, I will lock you in the Harry Potter closet under the stairs.

Seriously, cat.  This is your last warning.  If you so much as touch a piano chord in this house, you are going to regret it.

-Woman Who Feeds You

Dear Woman Who Feeds Me and Threatens to Lock Me in the Harry Potter Closet Under the Stairs:

Though I have not read the books myself, I believe that being locked in the closet under the stairs turned Harry Potter into some kind of witch.  As I am already a black cat, the leap to evil wizard cannot be that far.

In conclusion:  Try it.  I dare you.

-Tink (otherwise known as Not-So-Serious Black)

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