Thursday, July 24, 2014

July 24, 2014; 1:03 p.m.

Dear Tink:

It is becoming increasingly apparent that the other kitties here at The Clowder House on Wiswell are growing ever more disillusioned with the Tinktatorship in which they are living.  I fear revolution is at hand.

As it was I who installed you as Tinktator, I fear for my own safety. Please improve your treatment of your subjects, or we shall both surely regret it.

For starters, I recommend you cease eating everyone else's food. Your political position on this issue, "Let Them Eat Tuna," is extremely unpopular.

Your immediate attention to this matter is appreciated.

-Woman Who Won't Be Able to Feed You If She Is Eaten Herself

P.S. And don't even THINK about changing your position to "Let Them Eat Woman Who Feeds Me."

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