Friday, November 1, 2013

November 1, 2013 11:31 a.m.

Dear Woman Who Feeds Me:

Yesterday, you encouraged me to stop knocking things over.  You suggested that perhaps the other kitties are so mean to me because they are jealous of my KnockOver super-powers.  Though this does seem likely, I must decline.  I cannot help it if I am better than everyone else.

I have discovered another equally satisfying activity, though.  Interior decorating.  As I am sure you aware, this house needs some serious cosmetic work.  Today, I began redecorating the foyer.  I am using my new designer collection, which I call "Tinker-Tatters."  It consists of shredded toilet paper and paper towels.  I have now completed the stairs and most of the foyer.

Tomorrow, I will work on the Library.  Please provide me with several more rolls of material, as I am already out.

You're welcome.


1 comment:

  1. Dear Tink,
    Love the blog!
    I too like to decorate my house. May I suggest you try tissue paper instead of toilet paper or paper towels. It shreds very nicely and even comes in colors! Additionally, if your human will not provide enough paper for your decorating needs, you can find extra tissue paper in shopping bags and shoe boxes. I think you will enjoy the wonderful crinkly sound it makes.
    Good luck with your decorating efforts.
    Best Wishes,
    Kali, The Kind and Beneficent Destructor.
