Monday, November 25, 2013

November 25, 2013 1:44 p.m.

Dear Woman Who Feeds Me:

It has not gone unnoticed that I am completely without suitable material for my Tinker-Tatters decor AND my Tinker-Tissue Toys.  I have been unable to secure a single dirty kleenex, roll of toilet paper, paper towel, paper bag or piece of tissue paper in the last week.  I know you are hiding them.  This is unacceptable.

You will tell me where they are located immediately or I shall begin shredding the mail.  I am not above using Tinker-Torture to secure this information.  I am sharpening my Tinker-Talons.  And waiting.

Speaking of Tinker-Torture, please tell Strange Man to stop trying to teach me this thing called "Patty Cake."  It is a ridiculous game, and anyone who would make a cake out of someone named Patty is seriously disturbed.


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