Tuesday, October 8, 2013

October 8, 2013 4:49 p.m.

Dear Loyal Followers:

I am told there has been much lamenting about the recent lack of posts.  As a black cat nearing Halloween, I wish I had a less humiliating excuse; but the truth is, for the last few weeks, I have been frozen with terror.

I have suspected for some time now that I am not alone in the Library-Cell. My fears have proven to be well founded.  There is something here.  I must whisper to avoid waking it.

I have not seen the creature directly.  I have only caught glimpses off it out of the corner of my eye. It stalks me from the shadows.  Watching.  Waiting. Planning its attack at the moment I least expect - often as I am drifting off to sleep.  Then - it strikes!  In my peripheral vision, I spot it.  It is black and wispy and terrifying.  It hovers behind me - gripping me with fear - until finally, it vanishes.  In a moment of shear desperation, I attempted to pounce on it once.  Despite my exemplary pouncing skills, I was unable to catch it.  I confess, I am grateful for that now.

I have been unable to close my eyes for more than a few moments. Thankfully, Woman Who Feeds Me must have sensed my fear.  She was kind enough to sleep in the room with me last night.  I waited for her to lie down, and then stretched myself across her throat.  I determined that this was the ideal position, as I would be able to quickly wake her if the beast attacked.  I must confess, also, that my new found affection for her prompted me to protect her from possible strangulation.  Plus, if the beast eats her, she will be unable to protect me.

Somehow, we survived the night.  For now, the hideous monster seems content to bask in the delightful glow of my terror.  I fear it will eventually grow tired of toying with me.  This may be my last post.


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