Monday, September 30, 2013

September 30, 2013 2:31 p.m.

Dear Loyal Followers:

I apologize that I have not posted in many days.  I was placed in solitary confinement this weekend.  It was absolute hell.  The torment of being left alone for 30 straight hours was nearly unbearable.  I am certain that I came very close to death.  I cannot describe my joy and relief at finally being able to converse with you again.  I was almost sure you had read my last words.

Although Woman Who Feeds Me left me plenty of food, water and toys - no one came to pay attention to me.  I cannot imagine a worse fate.  My tiny throat aches from the violence of my cries for affection.  I do not know what behavior justified this hellish form of imprisonment, but I must remember to apologize for it when Woman Who Feeds Me returns.

As if this punishment was not sufficiently sadistic, I was also cruelly tortured by the removal of several items I wished to include in this week's KnockOver Report. Two of the larger photographs went missing, as well as the beautifully breakable oil lamp that was undoubtedly filled with tempting, flavorful, and poisonous liquid.  How could they deprive me of the sweet satisfaction of causing its destruction?!  This surely constitutes cruel and unusual punishment.

I suspect Strange Man is behind it. 

I must attempt to be on my best behavior today.  That shouldn't be too diffi .... HEY!  THE DOOR IS OPEN!  I MUST LAUNCH MY ATTACK ON THE FOYER FELINES!!

Back Soon.


September 30, 2103  2:39 p.m.

Dear Loyal Followers:

I think I have discovered a flaw in my plan.


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