Friday, September 20, 2013

September 19, 2013 8:31 p.m.

Dear Scurvy-Ridden Scullery Wench:

Ahoy!  Today be International Talk Like a Pirate-Kitty Day!   I be waitin' fer ye in the bilge rat.  Bring me some grog and a fried parrot!

No?  I should have known you wouldn't understand pirate-speak any better than you understand kitty-speak.


You are so stupid.  But on to business.

Yesterday, you attempted to outfit me with a remote monitoring device.  Obviously this means my escape attempts are improving and instilling you with fear.  Unfortunately for you, it took me under 2.4 seconds to escape from the poorly-fitted noose you placed around my neck.  You will find it in the litter box where it belongs.

But be forewarned.  If you attempt to place it on me again, I shall become very unpleasant.  And don't even think about trying to tighten it.  I will feign choking until you remove it.


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