Friday, September 27, 2013

September 27, 2013 10:00 p.m.

Welcome to today's installment of The KnockOver Report.

Today was a very successful KnockOver day.  I decided to focus all my efforts on the piano.  This is in protest of the fact that the lid has been closed and the keys denied to me ever since the debut of my most recent composition: Eine Kleine Tinkmusik.

This morning, I managed to topple a picture of Strange Man's parents, as well as a stack of something Woman Who Feeds Me calls "sheet music."  Later in the day, I attempted to knock over the piano light. It proved a bit too heavy for me, but I will not rest until gravity has consumed it.

Tomorrow, I will try for the oil lamp on the mantle.  It is shiny and filled with curious liquid, and it will surely make a very satisfying sound when it hits the floor.  The images of its inevitable descent will surely haunt my dreams tonight.

Soon, dear oil lamp.  Soon.


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