Friday, September 27, 2013

September 27, 2013 3:43 p.m.

Dear Tink:

Today I acquiesced in your demands to be released from the library.  My intention was to allow you one hour in which to interact with the bigger kitties, provided you were on your best behavior.

Your initial action upon being released was to chase Snowball up the stairs.  Fifteen seconds later, you returned with a chunk of white fur in your mouth.

Apparently, we need to revisit our conversation on "Making Friends."

Lesson One:  Don't Be A Dick

Until you have mastered Lesson One, you are confined to your cell.

With regret,
-Woman Who Feeds You


  1. Tink!! You are acting like a sociopath! What in the hell is wrong with you!? You bite the hand that feeds you AND attack highers ups? Are you on kitty crack or something???? I am recommending that you be spritzed with a water gun every time you are naughty.

  2. Ooh! The Water Gun? I LOVE The Water Gun!!

    As long as they don't throw me in the briar patch. I hate that briar patch.

